100 Below: Ban Ki-Moon saves the world?

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon quaked. He was on the most important negotiation ever. The alien attack killed at least 1 billion people. The aliens announced that earthlings should appoint an ambassador to hear their demands.

Ban waited in the alien spacecraft. A wall opened and an alien entered. The alien walked up to Ban and said, “You have 10 days to provide us with 10,000,000 tons of chocolate, Lindsay Lohan, and the head of James Gandolfini on a stick. If you do not it will be your doom.â€ÂÂ

Clearly, these were not the demands Ban expected.


I would have to stipulate that they not waste any of the precious chocolate on Lindsay or James, however. Deal killer, right there.

Eric said:

.. .bhwahahaahh…..

Kevin Kim said:

Unfortunately the aliens were speaking French, so Ban, whose French is terrible, ordered James Gandolfini to be dipped in chocolate, impaled on a stick, and then fellated by Miss Lohan.


annika said:

LL I understand, but what did James Gandolfini ever do to anyone?

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