100 Below: Animal passions

It seemed like she’d been talking forever. While she droned on he contemplated her form. She had wide hips and a large bottom. Her waist was narrow and accentuated her large breasts. There was something about the shape of her eyes and their position on her face that struck him. Something animalistic. Something arousing.

She mistook his gaze for interest in what she was saying.

Then the epiphany.

He blurted out, “Your face looks like a lion’s.” It was true; her face did have a leonine aspect. “I want you so badly. Let’s go.”

Now she stared at him.

Kevin Kim said:

Is this a tribute to Anne Burrell?

It is not actually. I don’t think of Anne Burrell as particularly leonine. I will confess… The girl was thinking of in this case works at a Subway shop I hit when I’m in a pinch to get lunch some days. And it took me months to figure out what it was about her face that was so interesting. Then I had an epiphany.

I, however, was never on a date with her and haven’t conversed with her further than describing the sub I wanted.

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