100 below: 80’s movie remake hell

“So I have this 80s movie remake idea. Take “The Final Countdown†a step further. The USS Ronald Reagan is transported back to December 5, 1941. They are able to stop the attack on Pearl Harbor. Then they single-handedly sink the Japanese fleet. Then they go and nuke Tokyo. Then they sail around to the Atlantic and nuke Berlin to end WWII. It is sort of an Inglourious Basterds alternate history ending.â€ÂÂ

The executive asked, “Could we add a CGI Ronald Reagan to the movie?â€ÂÂ

“Of course!â€ÂÂ

“Friggin’ brilliant. Green light!!!!â€ÂÂ

Fear and Loathing in Georgetown said:

I had never heard of the Axis of Time books.

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