New Songs for your iPod

I saw this… and had to chuckle a little….

I bet the Minister of Propaganda and the Smallholder will laugh just a little more though

Back to the Trenches….

Is Google being a little Hypocrytical?

I find it odd that Google refuses o supply to the US government raw search request data (not tying anyone’s personal search to the data mind you, just search criteria) so that the Law enforcement officials can determine the patterns that pedofiles use to look for child porn on the internet…..

Yet at the same time, they allow China to censor searches made by the Chineese citizens.

Hmmmm….. are they that greedy for dollars? Its ok to violate free speech in China but trying to protect children from predators is violating too much privacy?


Smallholder = Sauraman

If Smallholder is a character out of the Lord of the Rings, he would either be Sauraman or Lord Denethor. When the going gets tough… he succumbs to what he preceives to be the inevitable (at best) or completely switches sides (at worst).

Smallholder is the kind of player that quits when he thinks he is beaten, but well before he is actually beaten.

Now, Its kind of unfair of you to say “lets not take into account the Clinton Presidency”. I will only bring it up only as proof that both sides hands are very dirty.

Look, some of the stuff you posted IS true, and the penalty will be paid by those involved…

But a lot of that stuff hasn’t been proven and the evidence is mighty thin.

The Democrat answer to the Bush presidency has not been by running a WINNER against him or even pushing “better” policy for the American people.

It has bee to paint the Bush adminsitration as corrupt, lying and untrustworthy. But the worst action that is being taken by the Democrats is Undermining our war efforts for the sake of political gain.

This is a strategy that will come back to haunt the Democrats. If the Dems are successful in 06 & 08, don’t think that for a moment that every accusation, charge, or crime that we even think might stick on a Dem won’t be thrown at them. For after all, your post shows that they don’t have to be right or even proven to change public opinion.

back to the trenches

Raw Milk Rebels

Breakin’ the law! Breakin’ the law!

As an aside, $9.49 a gallon of milk?! I need to start selling milk!

Thursday’s Men’s Club & Diva Discussion

This week’s topic is fairly ambiguous…
What constitutes “sexy” in a member of the opposite sex?…


I am not going to include all that obligatory BS about how important “sense of humor,” “self confidence,” and “Fun Personality” is. I know some very funny, self confident hunch backed burn victims that have great personalities but don’t get dates… ever!

Back on topic…

As I grow older, I find that I have switched from the “sniper” days of my youth (when I had a fairly narrow view of what I thought was hot), to more of a shotgun blast approach (she has a pulse?… Great!).

Of course we are fed a fairly steady diet of what Hollywood, Women’s magazines, and the Fashion industry WANTS us to think is sexy, but fortunately, everyone is different as to what he/she likes.

Its kind of like NASCAR…

In NASCAR, you generally decide if you are a Gordon Fan or a Ernhardt Fan, and then pick the real driver that you follow.

So guys in general have a Category that we like (Red heads, big tits, legs etc) which relates to the Gordon/Ernhardt thing, and then we have the “reality” women (the driver we pull for every week).

That is to say, some guy might claim to love big breasts, but the women he dates/marries is slight of build. He might love Blondes, but has been dating a Brunette all his life.

Can’t explain it, I am just glad that the world works that way, otherwise guys like me would never have a shot at getting married.


If you want to know what is sexy to you, you can take these simple test! (ladies, take the test answering what you think that your man would answer)


and finally

Back to the trenches…

Exorcise those Evil “Braves” Spirits….

Really really sick. One of those nasty viral thingies. His fever is down to 100.6 from 103 yesterday.

Its those Atlanta Braves “spirits” leaving your body….

You should be fully recovered by the start of the World Series.

Back to the trenches.

ML is now a Nationals Fan???

I can’t believe it ML… you have been a Braves fan as long as I have known you… through good seasons and bad. Although, with 14 consecutive division titles, you can’t really say that they have had a “bad” season…
But with 14 straight division titles, and only 1 Chapionship. I think that sets a record for any Major US sports team (as far as lack of producing national titles despite winning division title).

But I digress….
That is an Amazing thing to switch teams, considering that the team he is leaving is the best team in the division, and the team he is going to is the worst team in the division… (although, at .500, there were only three teams in both the central and western division that had better records).

And can we take time out to applaud the National League East? All the teams in that division were at .500 or better!

Kudos to the ML for going with the hometown team!

Now, if we can just pry him away from those dreaded packers and introduce him to the hometown REDSKINS…..

Hail to the Redskins, Hail Victory….

Back to the Trenches…..

Dog Pile on Harriet Miers!!!

My main Gripe is that I think that the nominee for the court by a Repubican, conservative President, should be a logical choice that ANY Republican, conservative President would make.
Would Regan, have chosen Miers?
Would Bob Dole have chosen Miers?
Would the next president, G Allen, choose Miers?

I think not.

There are a lot of Republicans out there that are not comfortable with this choice, and are hoping that she won’t get confirmed.

back to the trenches…..

Foreign Minister

Alexander Hamilton Weighs In On the Matter of the Harriet Miers Nomination

Quoting from The Federalist Papers, No. 76, “The Appointing Power of the Executive,” Tuesday, April 1, 1788:

. . . To what purpose then require the co-operation of the Senate? I answer, that the necessity of their concurrence would have a powerful, though, in general, a silent operation. It would be an excellent check upon a spirit of favoritism in the President, and would tend greatly to prevent the appointment of unfit characters from State prejudice, from family connection, from personal attachment, or from a view to popularity. In addition to this, it would be an efficacious source of stability in the administration.

It will readily be comprehended, that a man who had himself the sole disposition of offices, would be governed much more by his private inclinations and interests, than when he was bound to submit the propriety of his choice to the discussion and determination of a different and independent body, and that body an entier branch of the legislature. The possibility of rejection would be a strong motive to care in proposing. The danger to his own reputation, and, in the case of an elective magistrate, to hs political existence, from betraying a spirit of favoritism, or an unbecoming pursuit of popularity, to the observation of a body whose opinion would have great weight in forming that of the public, could not fail to operate as a barrier to the one and to the other. He would be both ashamed and afraid to bring forward, for the most distinguished or lucrative stations, candidates who had no other merit than that of coming from the same State to which he particularly belonged, or of being in some way or other personally allied to him, or of possessing the necessary insignificance and pliancy to render them the obsequious instruments of his pleasure . . . (emphasis added)

Mr. Hamilton is rolling in his grave, undoubtedly.


help… I can’t stop laughing!

the FM

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wants to remind all of his loyal minions that today is the 130th anniversary of the birth of your Maximum Leader’s great hero. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born this day (St. Andrew’s Day in fact - St. Andrew the patron saint of Scotland) in 1874 at Blenheim Palace.

Churchill’s life is one of the most interesting lives of modern times. It is filled with glorious triumphs and equally disastrous failures. But through it all Churchill “kept buggering on.”

Your Maximum Leader shudders to think where this world would be today were it not for Churchill taking the wheel of the ship of state in Britain in World War Two. For those who would dismiss Churchill’s role in keeping Britain in the war, your Maximum Leader will commend to you John Lukac’s fantastic book “Five Days in London: May 1940.”

Inside the front door to the nave at Westminster Abbey there is a plaque on the floor a few feet from the poppy-lined memorial plaque dedicated to Britain’s war dead of the Great War. The plaque reads “Remember Winston Churchill.”

And we all should today.

Carry on.

Update: Your Maximum Leader thought it incumbent on him to beef up this post and make it worth of the great man.

If you’ve never been, visit the site of the Churchill Centre. It is a great resource.

If you are into the faddish (if that is a word derived from fad) trend of short biographies, then you want to read John Keegan’s Churchill biography he wrote for the Penguin Lives series. It is the best short biography of Churchill.

If you want to “get a feel” for Churchill and don’t want to commit yourself to the 208 pages of the Keegan work… Well if you can’t bring yourself to read 208 pages you need help. But in case you need help and want to “get a feel” for Churchill; go to your public libarary (or Borders Book Shop) and get William Manchester’s “The Last Lion: Alone.” Then sit down and read the first 30-odd pages of the book. The chapter is entitled, “Chartwell, 1932.” It is worth your time.

If you are visually stimulated and want to see a great depection of Churchill on film. Rent (or better yet - buy) “The Gathering Storm” with Albert Finney. The bit about Ralph Wigram may be a bit over dramatised, but it is a movie.

Of course, if you are a true Churchill fan (like your Maximum Leader) you need to read the works of the greatman himself. Any of them will do. (He did win a Nobel Prize for Literature afterall.) Don’t read an edited work containing bits of speeches, articles, and sundries. Get his 6 volumes on World War Two. Or his 4 volumes on World War One. Read those.

Or listen to Churchill’s wartime speeches.

In closing, you should do something to remember the man whom your Maximum Leader thinks is the seminal figure in the 20th Century, and without whom we would be living in a world made dark by the perversions of Nazism.

Carry on.

Hello. I’m Ellen James

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader read with some sadness this article on the Reuters news wire: Plath’s Daughter Pleads: Let Her Rest in Peace.

The article reminds your Maximum Leader of one of his favourite books, “The World According to Garp.” And how TS Garp has to try to live with his mother’s legacy. And there is probably some tangential connection your Maximum Leader could make between the Plath-hangers-on and the Ellen Jamesians…

Carry on.

Grazing Dairy

Producing milk on pasture is better for the farmer, better for the environment, produces healthier milk, solves the problem of overproduction and manure management , and is MUCH more humane for the cows.

We need more dairies like this.

Don’t Let the Doorknob…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader waves his hand from the Villainschloss balcony and bids that the doorknob hit John Edwards on the arse as he winds down his absentee Senate career with a Farewell Tour of North Carolina.

Your Maximum Leader is sure that John and his fabulous hair will rebound quickly. Perhaps he’ll get back into medical malpractice and sue some drug companies for some reason.

Carry on.

Cooler DVDs

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has a number of dual sided DVDs in his collection. (The Man Who Would Be King is the first that leaps to his mind.) And they are always a pain. You have to be careful which side you put in. They are hard to read, since the text describing the disk is printed in a very small font and only on the clear inner ring fo the disk (where it is easily obstructed by fingers and such). So it is with great anticipation that he reads that a firm has introduced a text-friendly coating for 2-sided DVDs (and CDs). Very cool.

And he has also been reading about all this DVD-HD stuff too. He supposes that soon he’ll have to buy a new DVD player too. And a new Hi-Fi to plug all this stuff into. Damn.

Carry on.

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