Winner! (Updated)

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader likes to think that in some things in life he is a winner. Now he can point conclusively to one area in which he has won.

Venomous Kate likes him. Or at least she liked his caption for her caption contest.

Your Maximum Leader never does well at caption contests. Whenever he sees one there had been three possible outcomes: 1) Someone else thought of his pithy caption; 2) He can’t think of a pithy caption; or 3) He has thought of a pithy caption, no one else has thought up a similar pithy caption; but something happens and he just forgets or neglects to write the caption out.

But this time he got his caption in and even won.

Your Maximum Leader would like to thank Kate, the Academy, his wife and kids, his extended family, God, his loyal readers who keep him going back to the PC (nearly) every weekday, the Green Bay Packers for a great season, Lola Astanova for being totally hawt and so very talented, David Lean for directing two of your Maximum Leader’s favorite three films, Julie the Barista for being so cute and always ready with a hot beverage, that girl he stood behind in line yesterday at Best Buy who kept dropping stuff out of her purse and would keep bending down and showing off her (non-Nakedvillainy) thong and shapely arse, that old guy who always sits on his front porch and waves at your Maximum Leader as he drives by…

(cue music)

…and Smallholder, and Smallholder’s great beef and pork…

(cue music)

Carry on.


Once again I’m chopped liver.

Now that you’ve given your acceptance speech I should probably remind you that Oscar winners are notorious for bombing in their next film.

Just sayin’.

My dear Kate… Have you been reading this blog recently… It is a big stinker.

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