Terrible news x 2

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has two terrible items to share with you.

First… Your Maximum Leader’s teenage daughter sheepishly admitted yesterday that she’d deleted “The Walking Dead” off the DVR by mistake. Your Maximum Leader was all ready to watch it last night when he couldn’t find it on the DVR. Interrogations ensued and there was a confession. Lucky for him it is on again late tonight and the DVR is primed.

Second… That same teenage daughter confessed that there will be “a bunch of cute guys in high school next year.”

Your Maximum Leader is adjusting the sights on and cleaning his guns tonight. This serves the dual purpose of getting ready for the zombie apocalypse and preparing for the “cute guys” to start coming by the Villainschloss.

Carry on.

Kevin Kim said:

So I guess it works like this:

1. Cute guy walks into Villainschloss; gets shot.

2. Cute guy becomes one of the walking dead.

3. Cute guy gets shot again.

4. Repeat every time a cute guy appears.

Hey — more fun for you.

I have informed the Spawn that she may date only those boys who can beat me at Trivial Pursuit. Given the local schools, she’s looking into convents.

Dear Prof. Are we talking Convent or Convent school? In the case of the latter, get two guns…

Heh — no convent schools down here. Catholics are quite the exotic species in these parts. Now were I still back in the Cincinnati area, I’d already have built the Fortress of Solitude…

The Ancient said:

Maxie –

When boys come around looking for his teenage daughters, a frowning Denzel Washington meets them and says, “I have a shotgun and a shovel and I’m willing to use both.”

Try it. It couldn’t hurt.


Your advice reminds me of the “Three S’s” a farmer friend of mine told me. This concerns misbehaving dogs belonging to neighbors that come onto the farm and kill your chickens. The three S are: Shoot, Shovel & Silence.

I’ll keep both bits of advice in mind.


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