
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been lazy. He had plenty of time to write up a whole bunch of post over the weekend and then schedule them to magically appear throughout the week. But instead, he opted to do play outside with his kids. Then he decided to play inside (sometimes with and sometimes without) his kids on his newly refurbished X-box.

Did your Maximum Leader explain what happened to his X-box? Non? Well, a few weeks ago the Wee Villain decided that he wasn’t enjoying his game of Lego Star Wars. So he decided to force open the disk tray. While the game was still running. That there was a problem. When your Maximum Leader figured out that he couldn’t just pop out the tray and replace it with a new one, he sent it back to Microsoft. It cost him $100. That sucked. But on the positive side, they also went ahead and fixed that “red ring” problem too (even though your Maximum Leader had not experienced the “red ring” problem.

So, to put a fine point on it, your Maximum Leader was lazy this weekend. Sure there were many family activities that had to get done - and did get done. But then your Maximum Leader just sat around and did very little. We’ll see if he can be a little more productive on the blog this week.

Carry on.

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