Put out

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just learned that former Virginia Governor Mark Warner is supposed to give the keynote speech tonight at the Democratic National Convention.

Who knew?

If your Maximum Leader were Mark Warner (which he is not, although the Sprint money would be nice to have) he would be pretty durned put out that Senator Hillary is stealing all the spotlight. The keynote speech is, afterall, supposed to highlight the party’s up and coming talent. Although, your Maximum Leader is pretty sure that Mark Warner isn’t exactly up and coming. He was governor for four years and all… Which makes him more qualified to be President of the United States than Barack Obama.


Your Maximum Leader might try and catch some of Warner’s speech tonight.

Provided, of course, that the Warner speech doesn’t conflict with the Nationals game.

Carry on.

Robbo said:

Geh! After watching the Nats turn four double plays and Joel Hanrehan’s nail-biting closer last evening, I was too drained to flip the tee vee to any other channel regardless of who was yapping on it!

It was a great game last night. I was trying to score tickets for tonight’s game; but so far have struck out.

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