NSFW Debate!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader remembers seeing a t-shirt being worn by a student at the UVA Center for Politics that read (on the front): “Q: What to politics and sex have in common?” (on the back) “A: You don’t have to be good at either to have a good time.” There are many occasions when sex and politics come together in a less than savory confluence. Just ask Eliot Spitzer. But sometimes the combination of sex and politics is just meant to be.

Take for example the debate (likely going on as your Maximum Leader types these words) at the Oxford Union tonight. The Union will debate the proposition: “This house believes Page 3 is unacceptable in the 21st Century.” For your Maximum Leader’s more sheltered readers, the Page 3 in question is the famous Page 3 of British tabloid “The Sun” where every day a photo of a topless woman is featured. Care to see? Clicky here-y. (By the way… If you need a warning about that link not being safe, as your Maximum Leader had just, a few words earlier mentioned that the page in question features topless women, you are pretty thick-skulled.)

In true Page 3 style (heh… Your Maximum Leader just ascribed “style” to Page 3) some Page 3 girls are going to go to the Oxford Union to advance their own cause tonight. There is a (NSFW) piece in The Sun on this debate.

Your Maximum Leader wishes he could be in attendance. (For non-purient reasons only - of course.) Frankly, your Maximum Leader doesn’t see anything wrong with boobies. And let us be frank here, that is really what this is all about. The objectification of women’s boobs. Your Maximum Leader takes a particularly libertarian (libertine?) view on this one. If a woman wants to be paid money to show her boobs to millions of people, that is okay with your Maximum Leader. If people want to buy The Sun (or link to it - as your Maximum Leader does) to see those boobs; that is fine too. To be honest, with some of the outfits your Maximum Leader has been seeing on girls around town now (that the weather is warmer) he wonders if just going topless wouldn’t be just as fashionable.

Alas, the people who are debating in favor of the proposition are likely tightly-wound militants who will complain either about the objectification of women - or the general permissiveness of society. You can make good points either way, but all in all your Maximum Leader is for keeping the boobies on Page 3. Indeed, he’d be in favor of some American newspapers putting a topless woman on some page of their paper as well… (He’d also be in favor of beefcake on some other page for the ladies!)

Carry on.

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