Making Blagojevich better

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is enjoying this whole Blagojevich thing going on. Nothing like a good scandal right before Christmas to get one’s mind off other (more important) issues.

Do you know what would make this whold Blagojevich thing better (ie: more fun to watch)?

On Thursday afternoon Blagojevich holds a press conference. During the press conference he announces that he is going to appoint former Chicago Bulls player Dennis Rodman to the open US Senate seat. Then, with his wife by his side, he announces that he was only interested in taking money and bribes in exchange for the Senate appointment to be able to keep his secret truth hidden. He is really a lesbian woman trapped in a man’s body and he was hoping to get money for a sex-change operation.

Yes… That would make this all the more fun…

Carry on.

Mrs. Peperium said:

OK, following your guide, I’ll add one little thing that would really make it better (for me):

“He is really a lesbian woman trapped in a man’s body and he was hoping to get money for a sex-change operation so he could divorce his $%&#% wife and be with his true love, Illinois’ favorite daughter, Secretary of State elect, Hillary Clinton.

Oh Mrs P. You are bad…

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