M-16’s, shotguns, militias etc.

Gotta admit. I don’t understand the facination with guns that many people here have. I’m also not a big fan of speaking about onesself in the third person, but that’s a whole other issue.

Granted, the Minister of Agriculture living in the wilds of central Virginia, might conceivably need to defend himself and his family from the roving bands of starving groundhogs, that have been known to actually dammage gardens. So he needs a gun.

The ML has found that terminating with extreme prejudice is an occupational hazzard at his new location of employment. So I guess he needs guns. And he needs an intern, but that’s another story.

And the Foreign Minister lives on hostile soil. Since ML is too cheap to get him a body guard, I guess he needs guns.

Me, I live in a house in suburbia. I have a geriatric spaniel protecting my estate.

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