General news and updates.

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader decided to post one or two more things today and then go up to his comfortable bed in the ole Villainchloss and give Mrs. Villain some good luvin’.

First. Has your Maximum Leader ever said on the record that Winds of Change is possibly the best all around blog in the blogosphere? It is. Great mix of opinions and essays and news for everyone. Your Maximum Leader read this article by Armed Liberal, and thought it was topical to the ongoing discussions here. Just like the Minster of Agriculture’s comments about burial in veterans cemeteries, these comments are powerfully emotional.

Next, your Maximum Leader and the Poet Laureate might go out and see a movie tomorrow. It is hard to decide what to see. It will likely be on of these three: Kill Bill, Matrix Revolutions, or Master and Commander. Your Maximum Leader is leaning towards Master and Commander - as it is probably the best of the three. Perhaps we shall also catch a bite to eat too… Fun fun!

Beautiful, just beautiful. Now lets see if he is convicted and gets jail time. Michael Jackson strikes me as one who would have to be in solitary a lot.

Has the Poet Laureate read this? Although not a strict enough in this department, your Maximum Leader is a big believer in sensible diet and regular excercise.

Check out the last “talking Derb Doll” quotation. It sounds like something your Maximum Leader would say in the most purple prose he could summon up.

And lastly, your Maximum Leader has invited another loyal minion to guest blog in this space. So if you see an unfamiliar tag line, it is likely him.

Carry on.

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