Egad! Guns for me are fine but not those other nuts!

The M of A really believes all that stuff he writes which is why I love him so dearly. The beautiful thing about it all is, at this moment, he has more guns in his house than I do!

I also get a giggle out of the fact that he has leapfrogged over getting a shotgun (which he has always touted as the only legitimate firearm to own) and gone for the Big Guns and bought himself a rifle.

If I had told him 10 years ago he would be Bambi’s worst nightmare with a rifle he’d have never believed me.

At the same time, the M of A has some really good and persuasive arguments about Gun Control and I often have to rethink the whole issue. Hats off to him.

I have always approached it from a different angle though, and while I admit I spent more time in the bio lab than reading US history and Gov’t, I feel that a lot of what the founding fathers were doing was more about establishing a means for the people to protect themselves from tyrannical governments than from foreign armies or duck hunting. I know that is what voting is for but you never know about things.

On another note, I took both the quizzes that the M L posted below and I turned out to be 1) Glucose and 2) G W himself.

Personally, I am upset about the glucose thing, but it could have been worse. It could have told me I was a fat cell. Come to think of it, it would have been a bummer to have been Colin Powell.

Gay marriage
I seem to fall on the side of the fence that says love is where you find it and if that means you meet and fall in love with someone of the same sex (or different race, religion, or fan of another football team) than so be it. I don’t mind them using the word marriage either. So what?
All this from a Conservative Republican Southern Baptist. Or maybe if I really feel that way I aint such a Conservative, Republican, or Baptist. Maybe I am just mellowing with age (maybe I have been in Euroland too long.)

Hey M L! or anyone else in the cabinet, what is the latest on opening up US Citizens traveling to Cuba? I am dying to go myself. It would be a hoot to have the MWO meet there for a think tank or something else cool like that. I heard that the Senate and House approved it but that W was gonna give it the axe. I would hate to change from being a one issue voter to atwo issue voter.

Its almost midnight in Europe so I am signing off.

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