Couture Listing.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader decides to post an article that might be more a propos of some other site. But hell… It’s his blog afterall.

It seems that it is front page (of the online edition) news at the Washington Post when Dick Cheney underdresses at Auschwitz.

Now, your Maximum Leader does agree that the knit cap might be a little out of place. But the guy is bald. And he needs to keep his head warm. And yes we know he went hatless at the Inauguration. But weren’t there heaters on that platform? (Your Maximum Leader thought there were.)

Regardless, it seems a bit much to go after the guy for a olive parka and boots. The writer of the article, Robin Givhan, said that the symbolism of the occasion called for Cheney to be dressed more like Vladimir Putin or Jacques Chirac.

Perhaps Dick Cheney was making another symbolic statement. By wearing the lace-up boots and an olive parka he looked more like the GIs of WWII who liberated Europe and saved the Jews in the camps.*

Carry on.

*- Your Maximum Leader knows that Auschwitz was liberated by Russians not Americans. But Americans liberated many other camps.

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