
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader’s ongoing fascination with the zombie apocalypse continues. This time with this cool graphic from College Life.

zombie pandemic, zombie outbreak
Source: Online Classes

So for us East Coasters it looks like a long ride through zombie infested land to the west. Or duke it out with the undead in the Appalachians.

Your Maximum Leader is bringing his firepower to the Smallholder’s farm in case of a zombie apocalypse… Don’t ya’ll get any ideas about tagging along neither…

Carry on.


I’m just minutes away from the northeast corner of that Appalachian area. I think I could make it, all things considered. The big question for most of these scenarios is, what happens to the zombies over time?

If the zombies eventually die - of hunger, or they start eating each other, or from general deterioration - then if you hold out long enough you can retake zombie areas. You just need to survive the initial onslaught - once you’ve got defenses in place and automatic weapons, the zombies are really at a disadvantage.

If the zombies aren’t created by some virus, but are supernatural - then they aren’t going away, and sooner or later you’re all going to be one with the zombies. All it takes is one mistake, and zombies are patient.

I suppose I’m counting on viral zombie. If they are supernaturally occuring we are pretty much screwed.

I see you’ve bought into the whole enlightenment rationalist secular worldview. And here I thought you were a traditionalist!

I didn’t realize that there was a traditionalist view of zombie genesis? Damn. I must be missing something. I always assumed that the zombie apocalypse was going to be the result of some lab experiement gone wrong.

Or space aliens will create zombies here for their own amusement.

I suppose the great and powerful Godotpus might also create zombies here for his own amusement…

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