Another Sign of the Decline of Western Civilization.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader felt he must note yet another sign of the impending doom facing our civilization. The sign occured this morning on the “Today” show. They did two pieces which are clear portents of evil things to come. The first was a story on the book “He Just Not That Into You.” The angle of the story was how this bestselling book is causing dating problems for men. Your Maximum Leader’s take is that this book is causing dating problems for men who are dating neurotic women with no self-confidence and little self-esteem.

The second story was on MILFs. Yes, MILFS. (For those of you who don’t know, and your Maximum Leader can’t imagine there are many of you in this category; MILF stands for “Mom I’d Like to F**k.”) They didn’t use the term MILF exactly. But they had a whole piece on how Moms are sexier than ever. What? Do we really need to hear this early in the morning?

Great Jeezey Chreesey. How much longer could we possibly have?

Carry on.

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